RAMSES Documentation  27.0.130
Information for RAMSES users and developers

Basic Render Groups Example

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// Copyright (C) 2017 BMW Car IT GmbH
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// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "ramses-client.h"
#include <thread>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// register at RAMSES daemon
ramses::RamsesFramework framework(argc, argv);
ramses::RamsesClient& ramses(*framework.createClient("ramses-example-basic-rendergroups"));
// create a scene
ramses::Scene* scene = ramses.createScene(ramses::sceneId_t(123u), ramses::SceneConfig(), "basic renderpasses scene");
// prepare triangle geometry: vertex position array and index array
float vertexPositionsArray[] = { -0.5f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.5f, 0.f, -1.f, -0.5f, 1.f, -1.f, 0.5f, 1.f, -1.f };
ramses::ArrayResource* vertexPositions = scene->createArrayResource(ramses::EDataType::Vector3F, 4, vertexPositionsArray);
uint16_t indicesArray[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 };
ramses::Effect* effectTex = scene->createEffect(effectDesc, ramses::ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache, "glsl shader");
// IMPORTANT NOTE: For simplicity and readability the example code does not check return values from API calls.
// This should not be the case for real applications.
// every render pass needs a camera to define rendering parameters
// create camera with perspective projection
ramses::PerspectiveCamera* camera = scene->createPerspectiveCamera("perspective camera of renderpass");
camera->setTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
camera->setFrustum(45.f, 640.f / 480.f, 1.f, 100.f);
// use left side of the viewport
camera->setViewport(0u, 0u, 640u, 480u);
// create render pass
ramses::RenderPass* renderPass = scene->createRenderPass("renderpass");
// set valid camera for the pass
// create render group and add it to render pass
ramses::RenderGroup* renderGroup = scene->createRenderGroup("rendergroup");
// create another render group and add it to first one as nested render group with render order '3'
ramses::RenderGroup* nestedRenderGroup= scene->createRenderGroup("nested rendergroup");
renderGroup->addRenderGroup(*nestedRenderGroup, 3);
ramses::Appearance* appearanceA = scene->createAppearance(*effectTex, "triangle appearance");
ramses::Appearance* appearanceB = scene->createAppearance(*effectTex, "triangle appearance");
ramses::Appearance* appearanceC = scene->createAppearance(*effectTex, "triangle appearance");
// set vertex positions directly in geometry
ramses::GeometryBinding* geometry = scene->createGeometryBinding(*effectTex, "triangle geometry");
ramses::AttributeInput positionsInput;
effectTex->findAttributeInput("a_position", positionsInput);
geometry->setInputBuffer(positionsInput, *vertexPositions);
// use three appearances, each with a different color for distinguishing the meshes
effectTex->findUniformInput("color", color);
appearanceA->setInputValueVector4f(color, 1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
appearanceB->setInputValueVector4f(color, 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
appearanceC->setInputValueVector4f(color, 0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
ramses::MeshNode* meshNodeA = scene->createMeshNode("red triangle mesh node");
ramses::MeshNode* meshNodeB = scene->createMeshNode("green triangle mesh node");
meshNodeB->setTranslation(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
ramses::MeshNode* meshNodeC = scene->createMeshNode("blue triangle mesh node");
meshNodeC->setTranslation(0.75f, -0.25f, 0.0f);
// Add meshA with render order '1' to the render group where already the nested render group with render order '3' was added.
// So meshA is rendered before every other element of the nested render group.
renderGroup->addMeshNode(*meshNodeA, 1);
// Add meshB and meshC to the nested render group with render order '2' and '1'.
// This order is only relevant inside the nested render group. So C is rendered before B but both are rendered after A.
nestedRenderGroup->addMeshNode(*meshNodeB, 2);
nestedRenderGroup->addMeshNode(*meshNodeC, 1);
// signal the scene it is in a state that can be rendered
// distribute the scene to RAMSES
// application logic
// shutdown: stop distribution, free resources, unregister
return 0;
The Appearance describes how an object should look like. This includes GLSL uniform values,...
Definition: Appearance.h:34
status_t setInputValueVector4f(const UniformInput &input, float x, float y, float z, float w)
Sets value of the input.
The ArrayResource stores a data array of a given type. The data is immutable. The resource can be use...
Definition: ArrayResource.h:26
The AttributeInput is a description of an attribute effect input.
Definition: AttributeInput.h:22
status_t setViewport(int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
Sets the viewport to be used when rendering with this camera.
An effect description holds all necessary information for an effect to be created.
Definition: EffectDescription.h:21
status_t setVertexShaderFromFile(const char *shaderSourceFileName)
Reads and sets vertex shader source from file.
status_t setUniformSemantic(const char *inputName, EEffectUniformSemantic semanticType)
Sets an uniform semantic. Used for uniforms which are not locally available on the client,...
status_t setFragmentShaderFromFile(const char *shaderSourceFileName)
Reads and sets fragment shader source from file.
An effect describes how an object will be rendered to the screen.
Definition: Effect.h:26
status_t findUniformInput(const char *inputName, UniformInput &uniformInput) const
Finds uniform input by input name.
status_t findAttributeInput(const char *inputName, AttributeInput &attributeInput) const
Finds attribute input by input name.
A geometry binding together with an appearance describe how an object will be rendered to the screen.
Definition: GeometryBinding.h:25
status_t setIndices(const ArrayResource &indicesResource)
Assign a data array with data type UInt16 or UInt32 to be used when accessing vertex data.
status_t setInputBuffer(const AttributeInput &attributeInput, const ArrayResource &arrayResource, uint32_t instancingDivisor=0)
Assign a data array resource to a given effect attribute input.
The MeshNode holds all information which is needed to render an object to the screen.
Definition: MeshNode.h:25
status_t setAppearance(Appearance &appearance)
Sets the Appearance of the MeshNode.
status_t setGeometryBinding(GeometryBinding &geometry)
Sets the GeometryBinding of the MeshNode.
status_t setTranslation(float x, float y, float z)
Sets the absolute translation the absolute values.
The PerspectiveCamera is a local camera which defines a perspective view into the scene.
Definition: PerspectiveCamera.h:23
status_t setFrustum(float fov, float aspectRatio, float nearPlane, float farPlane)
An alternative method (see ramses::Camera::setFrustum) to set the perspective view frustum of the cam...
Entry point of RAMSES client API.
Definition: RamsesClient.h:34
Class representing ramses framework components that are needed to initialize an instance of ramses cl...
Definition: RamsesFramework.h:35
status_t connect()
Tries to establish a connection to the RAMSES system.
RamsesClient * createClient(const char *applicationName)
Create a new RamsesClient linked to this framework. Creation of multiple clients is supported....
status_t disconnect()
Disconnects the RamsesClient from the system.
The RenderGroup is a container used to collect renderables which are supposed to be rendered together...
Definition: RenderGroup.h:31
status_t addMeshNode(const MeshNode &mesh, int32_t orderWithinGroup=0)
Add a mesh to this RenderGroup. If a mesh is already contained in this RenderGroup only its render or...
status_t addRenderGroup(const RenderGroup &renderGroup, int32_t orderWithinGroup=0)
Add a RenderGroup to this RenderGroup. If a RenderGroup is already contained in this RenderGroup only...
The RenderPass is a container used to collect meshes which are supposed to be rendered together.
Definition: RenderPass.h:31
status_t setCamera(const Camera &camera)
Set the camera to use for rendering the objects of this renderpass.
status_t setClearFlags(uint32_t clearFlags)
Set the clear flags which enable/disable the clearing of the render target assigned to this RenderPas...
status_t addRenderGroup(const RenderGroup &renderGroup, int32_t orderWithinPass=0)
Add a RenderGroup to this RenderPass for rendering.
The SceneConfig holds a set of parameters to be used when creating a scene.
Definition: SceneConfig.h:22
The Scene holds a scene graph. It is the essential class for distributing content to the ramses syste...
Definition: Scene.h:83
MeshNode * createMeshNode(const char *name=nullptr)
Creates a scene graph MeshNode. MeshNode is a Node with additional properties and bindings that repre...
Effect * createEffect(const EffectDescription &effectDesc, resourceCacheFlag_t cacheFlag=ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache, const char *name=nullptr)
Create a new Effect by parsing a GLSL shader described by an EffectDescription instance....
status_t unpublish()
Unpublish the scene from the ramses system.
GeometryBinding * createGeometryBinding(const Effect &effect, const char *name=nullptr)
Creates a new GeometryBinding.
ArrayResource * createArrayResource(EDataType type, uint32_t numElements, const void *arrayData, resourceCacheFlag_t cacheFlag=ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache, const char *name=nullptr)
Create a new ArrayResource. It makes a copy of the given data of a certain type as a resource,...
status_t publish(EScenePublicationMode publicationMode=EScenePublicationMode_LocalAndRemote)
Publishes the scene to the ramses system.
RenderPass * createRenderPass(const char *name=nullptr)
Create a render pass in the scene.
Appearance * createAppearance(const Effect &effect, const char *name=nullptr)
Creates a new Appearance.
status_t destroy(SceneObject &object)
Destroys a previously created object using this scene The object must be owned by this scene in order...
RenderGroup * createRenderGroup(const char *name=nullptr)
Create a RenderGroup instance in the scene.
PerspectiveCamera * createPerspectiveCamera(const char *name=nullptr)
Creates a Perspective Camera in this Scene.
status_t flush(sceneVersionTag_t sceneVersionTag=InvalidSceneVersionTag)
Commits all changes done to the scene since the last flush or since scene creation....
Helper class to create strongly typed values out of various types.
Definition: StronglyTypedValue.h:23
The UniformInput is a description of an uniform effect input.
Definition: UniformInput.h:22
The RAMSES namespace contains all client side objects and functions used to implement RAMSES applicat...
Definition: AnimatedProperty.h:15
@ EClearFlags_None
Definition: RamsesFrameworkTypes.h:257
@ ModelViewProjectionMatrix
Model-view-projection matrix 4x4.
@ UInt16
one component of type uint16_t per data element
@ Vector3F
three components of type float per data element
constexpr const resourceCacheFlag_t ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache
Requests the render to not cache a resource. This is the default value.
Definition: RamsesFrameworkTypes.h:212
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: main.cpp:21